Verona Groverman Consultancy
Ruysdaelkade 9
1072 AG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 6 46 14 15 00
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CV – Facilitation

CV – Facilitating processes of change through organisational (self-)assessment, strategy and policy development , support to mainstreaming, with a focus on  gender equality

  • Sparing partner on Gender Assessment (2019, for Rainforest Alliance),
  •  Designing and facilitating a gender analysis workshop focused on Austria’s gender equality policy framework, for WIDE, Vienna (2019)
  • Facilitator Gender Inclusivity Self-Assessment for Solidaridad Europe 2019 (Aug-Oct)
  • Support to the development of a Gender Equality Mainstreaming Strategy for CEOSS, Egypt
    2017 (October – December)
  • Facilitating the development of a gender policy (internal, external), for Free Press Unlimited
    2015 (May-September)
  • Support to organisational gender equality mainstreaming (strengthening gender focal group), Plan Netherlands, Lead facilitator of the Gender Equality Self-Assessment of Plan Netherlands; Facilitator in gender mainstreaming process of Plan Netherlands (policy development and capacity building with planning support respectively) (Plan NL)
    2015 (January-June), 2012 (August –December), 2005 (June – November), 2004 (May, June, September)
  • Developing programming guidelines on gender-smart greening of food systems (Hivos) the Netherlands
    2014 (October -November)
  • Coordinator of activities related to CRS – Sector Risk Analysis using a gender perspective, for Dutch Gender Platform
    2014 (April)
  • Lead facilitator of the Gender Equality Self-Assessment for Plan Sierra Leone (May 2010), Plan Cameroon (October 2010) and Plan Vietnam (November/December 2010) and  Plan Ghana (September/ October 2013) (Plan Finland/ Plan Netherlands), Sierra Leone, Cameroon , Vietnam, Ghana
  • Support to a Women’s Fund among others in developing a Strategic Plan (FADHAF), the Netherlands
    2013 (February, July), 2012 (September)
  • Facilitator of Face-to-Face workshops for the ICCO Alliance (Food and Nutrition Security; RBA & Gender, Conflict transformation; Basic health/HIV) (ICCO), the Netherlands 2012 (June),
    2011 (May,  September)
  • Study on HIV mainstreaming models and sustainability for JOHMET, East Africa (Oxfam International/GB) (for strategy development)
    2010 (February)
  • Support to the MFS II application process: Context analysis to support the MFSII application (Dance4Life) (March 2010), Gender advisor (Plan NL) (September–November 2009), The Netherlands
  • Supporting the International Department of the Norwegian Association of Handicapped in the development of a gender strategy (NAD), Norway 2009 (January)
  • Facilitating a self-assessment of HIV and AIDS competence using a gender perspective in three countries: Malawi (Oxfam Novib, The Hunger Project Malawi ), Kenya (Oxfam Novib/PeaceNet), Uganda (Oxfam Novib/LABE),  Bangladesh (Oxfam Novib/HASAB). A workshop in Pakistan (Oxfam Novib) was geared to familiarise the participants with the methodology  2008 (April), 2007 (March, August – October)
  • Support to the development of the mission and mandate of the Programme Women and Violence (Cordaid), The Netherlands 2007 (September) – 2008 (March)
  • Team leader of the Participatory Gender and Rights Audit of the Kampala Office of DanChurchAid (Political Space and HIV and AIDS Programmes) (DanChurchAid), Uganda 2007 (November)
  • Support to strategic planning of Heifer NL through assessment of their projects (Heifer Netherlands), Netherlands
    2005 (March-April)
  • Facilitator of a workshop on “Gender and Human Rights Advocacy for Southern African NGOs (NIZA)  Zambia
    2004 (March)
  • Mission to start-up the Energy and Poverty Programme EASE in Vietnam. (ETC Energy) Vietnam
    2003 (June)
  • Planning and implementing gender mainstreaming in S-E Asia (Vietnam); facilitator and co-ordinator in the course ‘Gender and Rural Transformation in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam’ for (semi)government institutes and universities. (IAC/SEARCA), The Philippines); with a follow-up to coach and to further build capacities of the main actors in the gender mainstreaming process in Vietnam
    2003 (June), 2002 (November/ December)
  • Institutional support to the gender mainstreaming process in the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt (macro-level policy development, strengthening gender unit, capacity building). (APP), Egypt
    2003 (April/May), 2002 (October)
  • Facilitator of three gender audits at ILO Headquarters, Geneva (for GDTC and ILO). Switzerland
    2002 (March),
  • Facilitator of a strategy-workshop and a preparatory meeting for an energy/gender network (ENERGIA), followed by proposal development with capacity building for its Phase III. (ETC Energy). The Netherlands
    2001 (December), 2002 (February,  March)
  • Facilitator in short workshops on strategy development and vision/mission formulation for a consultancy firm (ETC-I, ETC-NL), The Netherlands
    2001 (April, June)
  • Involvement in the support project to institutes (government, NGO, research and universities) in the Himalaya-Kush Region aiming at gender mainstreaming in these organisations (ICIMOD/DGIS), Nepal. As: Resource person/facilitator on organisational development and gender in two courses (September, December 1997, 1998); Monitoring and backstopping the gender mainstreaming process in institutes in India, China, Nepal involved in the project (April, 1999); Lead facilitator and resource person in a refresher course on skills development of change agents in institutes involved in the project (November 1999); Facilitator and coach of the local training team in the (third) course (January, April 2000). Development of a training manual covering the various trainings undertaken ‘Gender and organisational change. Training Manual’ (September-October 2000)
    1997 – 2000
  • Support to the development of a gender policy of a Dutch NGO through a participatory review and formulation process (Cordaid), the Netherlands
    2000 (July), 1999 (May- October)
  • Advisor on participatory policy development/implementation concerning ethnic minorities (Municipality Huizen), The Netherlands
    1998 (November) – 1999 (March)
  • Support mission to strengthen institutional aspects in the WID Programme of an irrigation project in South Sumatra (Haskoning/EU), Indonesia
    1998 (March), 1997 (November)
  • Facilitator of a self-assessment workshop on organisational change and gender integration in a Dutch NGO (Novib), The Netherlands
    1998 (February)
  • Missions to promote participation and gender issues in a sustainable land use project of a Haitian NGO (ICCO), Haiti
    1997 (June), 1996 (June)
  • Support to the Programme Sustainable Land Use in Latin-America for a Dutch NGO (ICCO), The Netherlands
    1995 (April-June)
  • Coaching (backstopping) the Advisor on Women’s Participation, Technical Assistance Team to the Plantations Housing and Social Welfare Trust and the Women & Development Advisor IRDP-Nuwara Eliya (DGIS), Sri Lanka
    1995 (December) 1994 (November)
  •  Compilation of pilot Gender Assessment Studies and publication for better programming  (DGIS), The Netherlands
  • Mission on sociological and institutional issues of water resources management (farmers’ participation) for Capacity Building in Water Resources Sector Project (UNDP), Yemen
    1993 (June)
  • Support missions focusing on planning, action research, participatory training on irrigation manage­ment and gender issues and on the production of a training module for the Production Management Unit Project  – integrated water management (DGIS), India
    1993 (February , July), 1992 (January-February, September, December), 1991 (July, October-November)
  • Consultancy on feasibility of urban settlement preferen­ces and training of officials (Urban Implant Develop­ment, Bussum), The Netherlands
    1991 (January)
  • Identification mission for the People’s Participation Program­me (rural development through promotion of self-help organisations) (FAO), Mozambique
    1990 (September)
  • Rural sociologist responsible for project management, set up of a monitoring and evaluation system, training of staff and beneficiaris, extension, production of training material, income generation/credit through on and off-farm activities in the People’s (Women’s) Participation Project (rural development through promotion of self-help organisations) (FAO), Swaziland
    January 1988 – December 1990
  • Rural sociologist responsible for project management, set up of a monitoring and evaluation system, training of staff and beneficiaries, extension, income generati­on/cre­dit (on and off-farm activities), women’s and literacy programmes in the People’s Participation Project (rural development through promotion of self-help organisations) (FAO), Pujehun, Sierra Leone
    June 1984 –  October 1986

CV – Facilitating processes of change through capacity building – training/ courses, development of training materials

  • Developing a Facilitator’s Manual for Gender Equality Self-Assessment (Plan Finland/Plan International)
    2010 (May-July)
  • Developing a handbook for farmer leaders as promoters of farmers groups in the context of farmers organizations (part 1) (Agriterra), The Netherlands
    2009 (November -December)
  • Developing the “Facilitator’s Guide to support NGOs in assessing their gender mainstreaming competence in the organisation and programs” (for Oxfam Novib), The Netherlands
    2009 (April – June), 2008 (May, June )
  • Inputs in various courses on HIV and AIDS for master students (Van Hall/ Larenstein, The Netherlands)
    2008 (February, June)
  • Designing and facilitating a short training on gender concepts and practice (SIMAVI), The Netherlands
    2008 (March)
  • Designing and facilitating a training on Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming in Environment and Energy. UNDP Environment and Energy Group, UNDP Headquaters, New York
    2006 (December)
  • Designing and facilitating a training on leadership concepts and skills for agricultural researchers and policy makers in the ASARECA region (CIAT/ECAPAPA), venue: Uganda
    2006 (November)
  • Developing a Facilitator’s Guide for NGOs to self-assess their HIV and AIDS competence using a gender perspective (Oxfam Novib, testing in Mozambique and India )
    2006 (January-October)
  • Designing and conducting a certificate course on Technology, Gender and Development for lecturers and staff of the Uganda Rural Development and Training Institute (URDT) (ETC Energy/TTP). Uganda
    2005 (October/November)
  • Training to build staff capacity to support gender mainstreaming (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands, Bureau for Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and MAGHREB), Netherlands
    2005 (June)
  • Development of the Training Manual Gender Equality and Good Governance for CEOSS, Egypt, Netherlands
    2004 (December) – 2005 (February)
  • Co-facilitator and main resource person in the international course on “Gender, Organisational Change, Agriculture and Leadership” (IAC/ETC). The Netherlands
    2004, 2003 (February), 2002, 2001, 1999 (January) 2004 (December) – 2005 (February)
  • Facilitator in a workshop for local gender focal points of NGOs in Africa, Asia and Latin America on planning and strategizing for gender mainstreaming (Vredeseilanden/ VECO) Belgium
    2003 (November)
  • Designing and conducting a workshop on Gender in the Work for an Egyptian NGO (CEOSS/ETC). Egypt
    2003 (April)
  • Facilitator in three Communication trainings on HIV/AIDS and Gender (NOVIB). The Netherlands
    2002 (May, June)
  • Designing and conducting the ToT Course on Gender & Technology for the Uganda Rural Development and Training Centre. (ETC Energy/TTP). Uganda
    2002 (April)
  • Resource person on Social/Gender analysis in Agricultural Research/Extension (ICRA, IAC), The Netherlands
    1997 (February)
  • Co-organising and leading the course “Environment and Sustainable Development (DGIS/SNV). Resource person on participatory approaches in Natural Resource Management. The Netherlands
    1996 (January, August, December), 1997 (January)
  • Facilitating a workshop on Gender in Agro-Forestry/Agriculture (Extension) Programmes and Projects (ETC-K), Kenya
    1995 (July)
  • Co-organiser and leader of the international course on “Gender in Policy Development for Sustainable Land Use” (IAC/ETC), The Netherlands
    1996 (November) 1995 (November) 1994 (November)
  • Resource person in WID courses on Participatory monitoring and evaluation from a gender perspective of small enterpri­ses/income generation programmes and projects in general, Women’s participation and organisation, gender planning and women in development, (KIT and others). The Netherlands
    1990 – 1992
  • Lecturer Women’s studies at the Depart­ment of Wo­men’s Studies, Agricultural University of Wagenin­gen, The Netherlands
  • Co-organising Women’s studies at university level, The Netherlands 1976 – 1984

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