Verona Groverman Consultancy
Ruysdaelkade 9
1072 AG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 6 46 14 15 00
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Clients and partners

Verona Groverman Consultancy liked to work with organisations, networks as well as groups and individuals who are interested in reflecting on and learning from developments and experiences to make steps forward while respecting opinions and perceptions of others. She appreciated working with those who strive for equitable and peaceful relations between men and women irrespective their social and cultural background.

The following organisations and institutions counted among the clients: International and local Non-Governmental Organisations; UN organisations; Universities; Consultancy firms; Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Verona Groverman is a team player. She preferred to co-operate with professional organisations and individuals who followed the same line of thinking and work approach.

Verona Groverman was a member of NEDWORC – Organisation for independent consultants working in the field of Development Co-operation, International Co-operation and Relief & Rehabilitation,


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